Funny T-shirts - Give the Gift of Laughter
It used to be that knowing a good joke or one-liner
was the way of giving the gift of laughter. It still
is. But, for those of us who have a hard time remembering
jokes or coming up with our own, we have turned to wearing
funny t-shirts in order to deliver this gift.
Now, the gift of laughter has many faces. The gift
can be sharing a joke with another human being or it
can be enjoyed solely by the wearer of the funny t-shirt.
For instance, many funny t-shirt websites now have a
line of offensive or rude t-shirts that are meant to
shock the other party who reads them. The one who purchases
and wears this funny t-shirt enjoys the reaction of
Funny t-shirts can also make social or political statements
as well. Two terms of the current President have spawned
all sorts of hilarity at his expense. Of course, many
others would argue that he's brought all this ridicule
upon himself. No matter, funny t-shirts are about delivering
a message and about personal identity.
When one wears a funny t-shirt they are stating, "This
is who I am and this is what I believe". Funny
t-shirts are also a good way to break the ice in a social
situation. Men and women no longer have to struggle
with cheesy pick-up lines as they can simply state their
interests on a funny tee. For instance, a t-shirt that
reads, "Quick! I need a naked nurse" or "I'm
in touch with my horniness emotion" may just tell
the opposite sex of your interests.
Funny t-shirts have also turned vintage. Graphics of
those from yesteryear spouting puns, irony and dirty
slogans have been popular of late. Humorous graphics
from the 1920's to the 1970's are generally used to
deliver the funny messages.
Some funny t-shirts are all about the message and contain
no funny graphics whatsoever. The concept and joke or
pun is the key to the humor in these t-shirt designs.
These designs may include some minimal design work like
fun with fonts, drop shadows, colors and outlines, but
verbal message is the most important element in these
types of funny tees.
All-in-all, funny t-shirts are a great way to get the
message of laughter out. Share a joke with a family
member, friend or coworker today just by dropping a
funny tee on yourself. It's a lot more fun than wearing
a "kick me" sign on your back and generally
no animal testing is done when producing the tees.
Copyright © 2006
Ronald O'Donald writes tired and boring prose for,
in his spare time, when he's not griping about his career
as a Great American Novelist not taking off. For those
interested, however, in hilarious tee shirts, check
out: Funny T-shirts by FunnyDesigns
