Pants on the Ground T-shirts Up for Bid

If you heard General Larry Platt’s version of the song “Pants on the Ground” on this past week’s American Idol, you just knew there was a new William Hung in the making. Being a bit too old for the competition (Platt is 62 and the cut-off is 28) you just knew this would be one of those auditions that was thrown in for humor value.

And you would be right! If you missed it, you can find the video here and as of this writing it has received 1.5 million visitors. Here’s also the lyrics to the catchy little ditty:

Pants on the Ground Lyrics

Pants on the ground
Pants on the ground
Lookin like a fool with you pants on the ground
Gold in your mouth
Hat turned sideways, pants hit the ground
Call yourself a cool cat looking like a fool
Walking down town
With your pants on the ground!
Pants on the ground guy sings a creepy song.

This may have been a commentary on today’s youth or something else. Who knows? But what is sure is that these tees are selling like hotcakes on eBay. Not that I want to point you in that direction. But if you don’t like what you find on this site why not check it out?

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