I Used to Jog 5 Miles a Day and Then I Found a Shortcut

I Used to Jog 5 Miles a Day and Then I Found a Shortcut
I Used to Jog 5 Miles a Day and Then I Found a Shortcut

The I Used to Jog 5 Miles a Day and Then I Found a Shortcut graphic is one of our funny gym, workout and sports designs that really brings a smile to people’s faces. You know it’s hard enough getting motivated to jog, let alone do 5 miles, so this compromise can be very satisfying.

Offering funny I Used to Jog 5 Miles a Day and Then I Found a Shortcut t-shirts, coffee mugs, facemasks, and more. Sometimes you need to go hardcore, other time softcore and yet other times middle core. Don’t be a schmuck. Who wants to jog 5 miles when you don’t have to? If you want to give a laugh to someone at the gym or at a game, then buy this now!