Funny Stories

We will tell funny stories that you can pass on to your friends and family.

RIP, Rip, and Tear – Zombies Vs. Funny T-shirts

For a catastrophe denoted by slow, shambling, and braindead creatures, the zombie apocalypse began as a surprisingly coordinated attack. But it is unclear which group launched the attack on humanity. Was it the Chinese? The Russians? The FBI? Or was it a far more insidious organization like ISIS or the furry community? We may never

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Funny T-shirts Save Werewolves from Extinction

Guest Post by Wolfman Jack One icy, windy night, a Nobleman of a sparsely inhabited remote village gathered strong men of his village to hunt big beasty wild werewolves. The faithful men, shivering in cold, stuck to their elder’s directions. On reaching the mid of nearby but unvisited woods, the men came across a pack

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