The Twisted Tale of Frank Einstein


In a world where scientific curiosity and humor went hand in hand, there lived a renowned physicist named Albert Einstein. Albert was a genius with unruly hair and a quirky sense of humor that matched his brilliance. One day, while pondering the mysteries of life, he found himself faced with a moral dilemma that would test his principles and tickle his funny bone.

Albert had become obsessed with the idea of creating a monster, not unlike Frankenstein’s creation. He saw it as a scientific challenge, a chance to push the boundaries of what was possible. However, he couldn’t ignore the ethical implications of bringing such a creature to life. As he grappled with this conundrum, he embarked on a journey that would take him through unexpected encounters and hilarious predicaments.

His first obstacle was his arch nemesis, the mischievous Ben Vereen. Ben was a rival scientist (and former dancer) with a penchant for troublemaking and an uncanny ability to foil Albert’s plans. Albert knew that if he wanted to build his monster, he would have to negotiate a compromise with Ben, who was always eager to cause mischief.

Determined to find a solution, Albert devised a plan to meet Ben in a neutral location—a small café tucked away in a quaint corner of their town. As they sat at a table, sipping their coffees, the tension between them was palpable. Albert cleared his throat and began, “Ben, I have a proposition for you. How about we work together on this project? We could combine our scientific knowledge and create something truly remarkable.”

Ben raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. “And what’s in it for me, Einstein?”

Albert grinned, knowing he had a trick up his sleeve. “Ah, Ben, you see, I happen to know a secret about you that could change everything. A secret so embarrassing, it could make you the laughingstock of the scientific community.”

Ben’s eyes widened, his bravado momentarily faltering. “You wouldn’t dare!”

Albert leaned in, his voice dripping with amusement. “Oh, but I would, my dear nemesis. Unless, of course, we strike a deal.”

Reluctantly, Ben nodded, knowing he had little choice. They agreed to collaborate on the monster, setting aside their differences in the name of scientific curiosity.

Albert Einstein’s childhood was marked by his insatiable curiosity and a sense of detachment from his peers. While other children played games and engaged in typical social activities, young Albert found solace in the wonders of science and mathematics. His unconventional way of thinking often left him feeling like an outsider, leading to moments of self-doubt and loneliness.


As a child, Albert struggled to fit into the rigid educational system. His teachers dismissed his unconventional ideas and struggled to understand his unique perspective. This led to moments of frustration and an internal struggle to reconcile his own brilliance with the expectations of the world around him.

On the other hand, Ben Vereen grew up in a boisterous and eccentric family. Surrounded by siblings who constantly vied for attention, he often felt overlooked and underestimated. To compensate for his perceived lack of significance, Ben developed a mischievous streak, using pranks and clever tricks to gain attention and assert his presence.

Ben’s childhood escapades served as an outlet for his pent-up creativity, but deep down, he longed to be recognized for his intellectual capabilities. His rivalry with Albert was born out of a desire to prove himself as a formidable scientist, someone whose brilliance could rival even the likes of Albert Einstein.

Now Albert’s journey was far from over. He realized that to make the correct moral decision, he needed more information. So, he hatched a plan to travel back in time using his remarkable scientific contraption, the Temporal Translocator. With a dash of ingenuity and a pinch of silliness, he set the coordinates for the day Ben Vereen was born, hoping to uncover a secret that would help him make the right choice.

As Albert landed in the past, he found himself in a bustling hospital room. He looked around and saw a young nurse, who happened to be a fan of his scientific work. She approached him excitedly, “Dr. Einstein, what brings you here?”

Albert winked at her and said, “A little scientific research, my dear. Could you do me a favor and show me the records for a certain newborn named Ben Vereen?”

The nurse obliged, and as they scanned through the files, they stumbled upon a peculiar detail. It turned out that Ben had an unusual fascination with juggling rubber chickens, a rather silly talent he kept hidden from the world.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, Albert returned to the present, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. He knew he had to confront his own desires and the moral implications of creating the monster.

In the privacy of his laboratory, Albert engaged in a spirited internal monologue. “Oh, Einstein, you brilliant fool! You’ve danced with temptation and traveled through time, but now it’s time to face the weight of your decision,” Albert muttered to himself, his eyes twinkling with a blend of humor and introspection.

He paced back and forth, juggling his thoughts like Ben’s rubber chickens. On one hand, he was tantalized by the prospect of bringing his scientific vision to life—a creature that could challenge the boundaries of knowledge. On the other hand, he couldn’t shake off the moral implications of tampering with nature and potentially unleashing a being of chaos into the world.

As he contemplated, a gust of wind blew through the open window, ruffling his wild hair and scattering his notes across the laboratory. Albert chuckled, taking it as a sign from the universe to lighten up and find humor even in the face of tough choices.

“Perhaps,” he mused, “I can find a way to create this monster without risking the chaos and destruction that haunted dear Dr. Frankenstein.”

With renewed determination, Albert sat down at his desk and started scribbling equations and diagrams. He crafted a plan to build a different kind of monster—a whimsical, harmless creature that would inspire laughter rather than fear.

Days turned into weeks, and with each passing moment, Albert’s excitement grew. He enlisted the help of his loyal assistant, a quirky inventor named Fritz, who shared his love for scientific silliness. Together, they built their creation using a mix of mechanical ingenuity and a pinch of Albert’s unruly charm.

Finally, the day of reckoning arrived. The laboratory buzzed with anticipation as Albert and Fritz unveiled their creation—a wobbling, clunky contraption with mismatched limbs and a shoulder adorned with a perpetually grinning rubber chicken.

They activated the creature (It’s alive, it’s alive!), and with a series of jerky movements, it stumbled to awareness, emitting a chorus of comical squeaks and squawks. The room erupted in laughter as Albert and Fritz watched their monster dance a clumsy jig, juggling rubber chickens with surprising dexterity.


In that moment, Albert realized that he had made the correct moral decision. He had embraced the power of laughter and joy, infusing his creation with a lighthearted spirit that would bring smiles to people’s faces. It was a monster, yes, but a monster filled with mirth and merriment.

As the townsfolk gathered to witness the spectacle, even Ben Vereen couldn’t resist the infectious humor radiating from the laboratory. He approached Albert, a twinkle in his eye. “Einstein, you’ve outdone yourself this time. I never thought I’d see the day when you could make me laugh.”

And from that day forward, Albert and Ben became an unlikely duo, using their scientific prowess to bring laughter to the scientific community. The wobbling, juggling monster became a beloved figure in their town, and since he was a bit odorous as monsters can be, one kid named him, Frank Einstein.

Albert chuckled and extended his hand. “Ben, let’s put our rivalry aside, do the chicken dance and explore the mysteries of the universe, together.”

So it goes, in the here and now, Albert and Ben found themselves side by side, gazing at their creation with eyes wide and grins wider. A sudden epiphany struck them—beneath their cutthroat rivalry, they both yearned for the simple desires of understanding and validation, remnants of their childhood days.

Their collaboration became more than just a scientific tag-team; it stitched together the wounds of their past. Through a series of uproarious experiments and breakthroughs, they finally discovered that sense of belonging they’d been chasing.

As the townsfolk burst into applause and cheers, Albert and Ben exchanged a sly smirk, in on the joke together. They had battled moral quandaries, childhood insecurities, and even tangled with the whims of time itself to reach this crucial moment. And it dawned on them—the real power of their creations lay not merely in their scientific brilliance, but in their ability to tickle people’s funny bones and sprinkle unabashed joy.

Frank Einstein

With a renewed sense of purpose, mischief twinkling in their eyes, Albert and Ben joined forces as an indomitable duo. And so it went, the legend of Albert Einstein and Ben Vereen endured—not only as prodigious scientists but as masters of laughter, a constant reminder that amidst life’s convolutions, a hearty chuckle can span divides, mend wounds, and unleash the boundless potential of the human spirit. And the universe, well, it had quite a good laugh too.