The I Tested Positive for Awesomeness graphic is one of our funny jokes on t-shirts and other merchandise designs that really brings a smile to people’s faces. In the days of the pandemic when people left and right are testing positive for something negative, it’s nice when someone tests positive for something.
I Tested Positive for Awesomeness Fabric Face Mask$12.91
I Tested Positive for Awesomeness Tough Cases$20.20
I Tested Positive for Awesomeness Ceramic Mug 15oz$16.94
I Tested Positive for Awesomeness Spiral Notebook – Ruled Line$15.69
I Tested Positive for Awesomeness Unisex Jersey Long Sleeve Tee$26.73 – $30.35
I Tested Positive for Awesomeness Unisex Heavy Blendâ„¢ Crewneck Sweatshirt$21.15 – $35.97
I Tested Positive for Awesomeness Unisex Heavy Blendâ„¢ Hooded Sweatshirt$28.70 – $43.60
I Tested Positive for Awesomeness Unisex Jersey Short Sleeve Tee$16.82 – $20.25
I Tested Positive for Awesomeness Unisex Heavy Cotton Tee$15.87 – $20.34
Featuring funny I Tested Positive for Awesomeness jokes on t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, notebooks, facemasks, phone cases and more. If you want to give a laugh to a special someone, then buy this now! Sometimes you have to toot your own horn especially with Covid trying to take it way. Strut your stuff and get a laugh after buying our funny merchandise today. Tell the world that you took the test and the results came out AWESOME!