I Tested Positive for Awesomeness

I Tested Positive for Awesomeness
I Tested Positive for Awesomeness

The I Tested Positive for Awesomeness graphic is one of our funny jokes on t-shirts and other merchandise designs that really brings a smile to people’s faces. In the days of the pandemic when people left and right are testing positive for something negative, it’s nice when someone tests positive for something.

Featuring funny I Tested Positive for Awesomeness jokes on t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, notebooks, facemasks, phone cases and more. If you want to give a laugh to a special someone, then buy this now! Sometimes you have to toot your own horn especially with Covid trying to take it way. Strut your stuff and get a laugh after buying our funny merchandise today. Tell the world that you took the test and the results came out AWESOME!