Okay, I know it’s not cool but sometimes I can be a real nerd. I mean for the past couple of weeks I’ve been toying with the idea of updating the funny t-shirt sites with a new look and feel, new web design and umph, here’s the nerdy part, I’m getting excited over some new shopping cart software I’m looking over. Good God, I said it, “I AM A NERD!!! AAAAAAARRRGGHH!!!”
This new shopping cart software slices and dices and make Julian fries. It’s not only a furniture polish but a fabric softener as well. It chops, grates, peels, folds, spindles, mutilates all in one pass. It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread and metal tipped shoelaces plus its low in carbs.
Anyway, I’m excited. Big whoop. Nerd-boy over an out.