Like David Letterman says, “The name so nice they say it twice.” Just got back from New Yuk, New Yuk from a fantastic New Year’s celebration. Being originally from the Midwest and now from California I was expecting to run into that famous New Yukker rudeness, which I never did.
In fact, all I received was helpfulness and kindness the whole trip. Spent some time in Brooklyn, which was much cleaner and friendly than I expected, though I’m told there are much rougher parts than where we stayed. Took the F-train, (or Effin’ Train as I heard it referred to) uptown to check out Times Square and other touristy sites.
Funny T-shirt ideas were everywhere, and I kept notes. You may not see East Coast specific tees on the sites, but the ideas and attitude are definitely from the Eastern Border. Anyway, Happy New Years to everyone and let’s have a healthful and prosperous 2006.